Give your Customers the Gift of Digital Signage this Holiday Season

The average person is bombarded with marketing messages constantly throughout the day; most of which go completely unnoticed. Let’s be honest, the biggest waste of time, money and resources is static signage. Customers today expect marketing that is not only engaging, but personalized. In the digital age, companies who are still using static signage to convey their messaging are missing the whole point. Industries ranging from educational institutions to quick-serve cafés are realizing that the effect that digital signage is having on engagement.

All promotional tools come with a price tag. Why not make it a smaller one? Static signage requires reoccurring expenses each time you have something different to promote. Let’s pick a specific industry, like retail, and go from there. The holidays will soon be upon us, and if anyone is preparing, it’s the retail industry. The holiday season alone requires constant promotional changes within the store. That translates to replacing countless flyers and signs to keep the customers updated on the latest and greatest products and plethora of sales.
With digital signage, you can instantly change your messaging, while creating a personalized shopping experience.

Make the change to lobbyTV 
lobbyTV is the solution to a problem that you may not have even known existed. Our cloud-based digital signage software simplifies your marketing approach. Our services not only save you a substantial amount of money on cable costs and printing costs, but promotes your services and / or products in a more effective way for only $15 a month. Let that settle. You can give the gift of digital signage to your customers and believe me when we say, they will thank you.

If you are worried about having to hire an IT guy to execute your digital signage software, then worry no longer! lobbyTV integrates seamlessly with Google Slides and PowerPoint to create a user-friendly experience while still adding a creative approach to your presentation. Our services don’t stop there. We want your customers to stay entertained, so lobbyTV has incorporated over 5,000 radio stations that seamlessly play behind your presentation.

Sign up for 14-day free trial today with lobbyTV and watch your customer engagement soar!