lobbyTV Blog

Showcase your Vibrant Senior Community with Digital Signage

Written by Sample HubSpot User | Apr 6, 2018 12:42:47 AM

The senior living industry is booming across the country, yet many still only envision a hospital-like setting of nursing homes with shabby carpet and depressed seniors. In reality, senior communities are vibrant, thriving residential areas. Seniors do not go there to die. They go there to live. While senior living communities have done a great job in recent years of increasing awareness, many of the stereotypes mentioned above still exist. This sometimes makes the decision to transition into senior living even harder. The use of digital signage throughout your community can not only present a modern ambiance, but also help to expel many of the myths that still exist.

Seniors are living longer, more independent lives than ever, but the decision to move is frequently an emotional one. Even when the maintenance, housework or layout of the home becomes inconvenient, it is often difficult to leave a residence they have called home for decades.

Ease the Transition with Digital Signage

Whether seniors are making the decision to move for themselves or a loved one is making it for them, digital signage can help ease this transition. When seniors and family members tour the property, digital signage can provide a glimpse into the heart of the community and openly portray what it is like to live there. One of the greatest aspects of senior living communities is the multitude of events and available social interactions. Pictures are worth a thousand words, so make sure to show photos of your actual residents taking part in events and making new friends. Digital signage allows you to capture and display these moments in full HD using your television. As an added bonus, most seniors love to see themselves displayed on the screen, which can create more excitement around attending future events both on and off the property.

Reduce Waste While Saving Time

While flyers and posters can be a great way to inform residents of daily activities, upcoming events or policy changes, they create an added expense and unnecessary waste. Instead of printing hundreds of flyers that may go completely unnoticed each week, you can display the same information in a more dynamic and attention-grabbing way.

Plus, because digital signage software is cloud-based, you can make changes in an instant in case of an accidental misprint or time change. Another great example of digital signage usage is as a digital menu board. Simply make the menu changes in the easy-to-use platform and publish to your preferred televisions. You can even schedule the digital menus to appear as far in the future as you choose.

Need Help with Content?

At lobbyTV, we understand that actually creating the content to display on your televisions can be a source of anxiety.  If you have a graphic designer on staff, great, but sometimes you need content more quickly than their busy schedule can allow. Fortunately, lobbyTV has made the design process as simple as possible. We have a large digital signage template gallery for you to download or you can create your own design in PowerPoint or Google Slides. You can upload presentations, images, videos, PDFs or even display your website or calendar. Need a custom API to integrate with your server for office staff? We can do that too! 

Need a little more help? Contact us for a custom template.

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